
What is the National and Illinois Education Association?

The National Education Association

The National Education Association is the largest professional employee organization in and works to advance public education in the United States. The Association began in 1857 when 100 educators banded together to create one strong voice for both educators and their students. Today, the NEA acts as an important political force in educational politics and constantly works for the betterment of teachers and their students throughout the nation.

More information can be found at http://www.nea.org/

The Illinois Education Association

The Illinois Education Association is Illinois’s local branch of the National Education Association. IEA represents student and teacher needs on the state-level and oversees a retired program, a student program and the regional associations. President of the IEA, Cinda Clickna, works alongside her executive board as well as several committees to oversee the different issues within public education and educational politics. The IEA came about in 1853 and joined the NEA in 1857 upon its founding. It’s official mission is "The Illinois Education Association-NEA's mission is to effect excellence and equity in public education and to be THE advocacy organization for all public education employees."

Make sure to follow the Facebook page!

More information can be found at http://www.ieanea.org/

The Illinois Education Association Student Program

Where do you fit in as a student? The Illinois Education Association Student Program (IEASP) or also commonly known as Student Education Association. Many Universities across the state have their own branches of IEASP. Through the student program, IEA hopes to prepare future teachers for their crucial careers through the three pillars of teacher quality, community involvement and political action. The program offers two state-wide conferences throughout the year to advance the three pillars along with advisory boards and service projects to reconnect with local chapters.. At local chapter meetings, leadership is encouraged to educate their members about the importance of politics in education, how to be a great teacher and provide opportunities for service projects throughout the year. There is also a Student State Board elected to be liasons between the IEA and the IEASP local chapters and to facilitate the advancement of the three pillars.

The 2015-2016 executive board is:
Chairperson: Sara Hard
Vice-Chairperson: Kristina Austin
Chairperson-Elect: Kaleigh Soumar
Secretary-Treasurer: Sarah Conway
Political Activist: Zach Clark
Political Activist: Lisa McGovern
Community Outreach Chair: Becky Kriedler
Public Relations Coordinator: Lindy Schiff

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