Sunday, September 6, 2015

Override Effort Falls Short

Unfortunately, the attempt to override Governor Rauner's veto of SB1229 Amendment #2 has failed, perhaps as a result of the Governor's threats of forcing a strike and shutting down the state government if the Governor's demands were unmet.

"Although the bill did nothing more than extend to child protection workers, nurses, caregivers, emergency responders and other state employees the same independent arbitration process [(a legal method widely used to end disputes outside of court)] provided to police, fire and other public safety personnel in Illinois for more then 30 years, the Rauner Administration justified its veto with an array of false claims about the bill's provisions, constitutionality and potential cost, as well as unsubstantiated ad hominem attacks [(arguments attacking a person instead of their position on an issue)] on the independence and fair-mindedness of arbitration professionals" -

You can still help! Send the Governor and your representatives an email letting them know what you think about collective bargaining and the rights of state workers. Information about our Illinois Representatives can be found on this very blog under the "Illinois Representatives" tab!

Read more here: